
I'm Joe

I'm a Frontend Web Developer with a strong passion for building web applications with great user experiences.
Here's a bit more about me.

Here are some of my projects

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    E-Commerce Mock-Up

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js

    This is a React project which demonstrates industry relevant skills in terms of e-commerce and frontend development. Includes items, cart and full checkout process.

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    "Movienite" Streaming Website

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript

    This is a password protected api demo project tying together multiple APIs which may be used to search, display and stream YouTube trailers and related movies in multiple qualities from 720p to high def.

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    Wikipedia Viewer Project

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript

    This is a fun, simple project which utilizes a Wikipedia API in order to make a call to Wikipedia using a custom callback that displays any received data therefrom in the DOM within dynamically generated elements, while also providing input validation for the user.

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    Solar Calculator Sim

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript

    A solar calculator sim based on a real, functioning model thereof. Even the light switch works.

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    Telemachus Gov't Svcs.

    WordPress, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

    This is a personal project for a future business venture of my own. It's a customized WordPress website where I generated the logo, found and photoshopped all images, and wrote the corresponding copy.

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    Bash Install Script


    A custom install script written in bash; made while attending the Hacker: Coding Academy bootcamp. It was designed by myself to standardize a uniform coding environment for me and any fellow new students using Linux or OSX. My script automagically downloads, installs, and even interactively configures certain useful packages, including git.

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    "PseudoTwitter" Project

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript

    Despite the name "PseudoTwitter", this project was not meant to showcase a polished UI. Instead, the purpose was to display randomized, dynamic element generation alongside DOM manipulation, using a quick and dirty UI to provide context accordingly. All tweets except for user content are randomly generated from a list of options.

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    React Counter App

    HTML, CSS, jQuery, React + JSX

    This is a simple learning project which showcases frontend skills alongside basic React proficiency in regard to state management and use of components.

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    Basic E-Portfolio

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript

    This is my original, basic e-portfolio project. It is a layout and highlight of my prior work featuring custom pagination used to thumb between the pages thereof.

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    "LiveLinks" Project

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, NoSQL (Firebase)

    This was a simple project inspired by the Hack Reactor: Fulcrum advanced-JavaScript course. Auth0 is used to register and/or login in order to then be able to post and like shared links from fellow users.

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    JavaScript DOM Manipulator

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript

    This was a project demonstrating JavaScript powered DOM manipulation. It uses jQuery, jQuery UI (autocomplete), TinyColor.js, Bootstrap and NTC to choose random or selected colors as desired. It also stores the last chosen colors as buttons; allowing them be recalled at will when "Remember Choices" has been selected.