
Read Me Before Using!

Instructions for This Calculator:

Project Summary:

This web app was made to represent a fully functioning replica of a basic solar-powered calculator, and was inspired by a freeCodeCamp challenge. Its usage supports the various basic mathematical functions. Feel free to additionally switch off the left-adjacent light switch to simulate darkness.

Special Function Keys:

ON/AC: If currently 'off', then it initializes the calculator. If calculator is already 'on', clears all variables and the screen itself.

EC: Clears only the last inputted integer.


  • If you're adding together two given integers, then upon the completion of their input you may press the 'equals' key to return your result to the screen in the normal, expected fashion.
  • If you wish to continue your equation in the form of a flowing chain of operations, after pressing the equals button, press an operator button and then enter another number. Similarly, one can continue without pressing equals by pressing an operator button, then entering in another number, followed by pressing another operator button, and so forth, ad infinitum.